Trade Quarters

Hoi An Trading Port was a busy international commercial gate during 17th and 18th centuries. From the west, merchants from the Netherlands and France and evangelists from Portugal, among the others, stopped by here and built up commercial firms to buy local products such as additives, tea, china, silk products. Thanks to these people, buildings bearing the styles of the Netherlands and France emerged, completing the big picture of Hoi An in those days.

Trade Quarters

Hoi An Commercial Port was the busiest international trading gateway in the 16th-17th centuries. Dutch, French merchants, Portuguese missionaries, and others from the West made stops here and established trade quarters, representing the purchase of our products such as spices, tea, pottery, and silk. Dutch and French-style houses were formed, creating a panoramic picture of Hoi An in those days.

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Other sightseeing areas

Hoi An Memories Stage

This is the venue for the world-class outdoor performance Hoi An Memories show. The stage spans over 1 kilometer in length and covers an area of 25,000 square meters, with an auditorium that accommodates 3,300 seats. The Hoi An Memories Stage has set a Vietnamese record as the largest outdoor stage in Vietnam.

Non la Restaurant

Prominent with an impressive design, meticulously designed from traditional bamboo, the Non La Restaurant possesses a unique space for enjoying distinctive cuisine. Here, Northern, Central, and Southern cuisines are delicately prepared to preserve their unique flavors in a way that suits the tastes of our valued visitors.

Love bridge

Japanese and Chinese merchants left cultural highlights in Hoi An.